The Poetic Edda - Three Translations

The Poetic Edda is one of the primary sources of our Lore, and serves in many ways as the core of our Heathen beliefs. As more translations become available, we will add them to our library. In addition to these three translations, there are three books about the Poetic Edda provided below....including a study-guide for students.

The Poetic Edda - This 1936 translation of the Poetic Edda was completed by Henry Adams Bellows. It is a complete translation, featuring both the Lays of the Gods and the Lays of the Heroes. Bellows is a scholar, and provides a detailed introduction to his translation, as well as introductions to each poem. He also provides extensive notes throughout the text that are extremely helpful. For a first time reader of the Poetic Edda, this is an excellent translation to read.

The Eddas - The Keys to the Mysteries of the North - This 2005 translation and and practical guide to the Eddas was composed by James Allen Chisholm. Chisholm only provides the Lays of the Gods, the first half of the Poetic Edda. But then follows this with Chapters that focus on practical applications of the Eddas: Runic Keys to Edda Myth, Working with Holy Wights, Natural Forces, and Holy Names, Spring Drama and Eddic Myth, Magical Initiation, etc. Chisholm is a Heathen, and this likely has some impact on the content and tone of his translation.

The Poetic Edda - The Edda of Sæmund the Learned - This 1907 translation by Benjamin Thorpe includes both the Lays of the Gods and the Lays of the Heroes, and this PDF is the Northvegr Edition of the text. The poetry of this translation can be a little dense, and it is not the easiest translation to read for comprehension.

The Edda I - The Divine Mythology of the North (html) or (pdf) - This 1902 book by Winifred Faraday is split into two volumes. This first volume focuses on the first half of the Poetic Edda, the Lays of the Gods. Faraday summarizes the Poetic Edda, summarizing the important Lays, the characters, the themes, and the beliefs behind the Lore presented in the book.

The Edda II - The Heroic Mythology of the North - This 1902 book by Winifred Faraday is split into two volumes. This second volume focuses on the second half of the Poetic Edda, the Lays of the Heroes. Faraday summarizes the Poetic Edda, summarizing the important Lays, the characters, the themes, and the beliefs behind the Lore presented in the book.

Elder Edda - Epics for Students - This is NOT a translation of the Poetic Edda, but instead a 46-page study guide for students. It describes the origins of the document, provides a plot summary for each of the Lays, a description of all of the characters, themes, the style, and the historical context. The guide goes further, and provides a critical overview, criticism, and additional information on the Poetic Edda.

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