Four Books by Michael J. Smith

Ways of the Ásatrú - Beliefs of the Northern, Modern Heathens - This 60-page booklet serves as an introduction to Ásatrú, defining the religion, its basic tenets, its symbolism, its religious expression, and how to live Tru. But Mike is very clear that Heathens should be their own scholars and do their own studies...and that they should seek out lots of different perspectives.

THINK AGAIN! - Thinking Like a Heathen in the Modern Era - In this 42-page booklet, Mike elaborates further on some of the complex theories and philosophical concepts of our ancestors, such as ethics, luck, wyrd, and frith. He then ties them together with philosophies like the concept of the Folk-Soul, re-emergence with nature, the values of law and custom, reputation and oaths, and talks about how to integrate these concepts into our own era and culture.

Amma - Wisdom from the Sagas - This 27-page document highlights various wisdom from the sagas, in support of various Heathen beliefs, ritual methods, and cultural concepts. It does not offer narrative or explanations, as much as focusing on quotes from the sagas about rituals, holidays, holy places, death rites, and other specific Heathen topics.

The Kids' Book of the Norse Gods - This 21-page book is meant to teach kids a little something about the Norse Gods, and encourage them to draw their own version of each one. It consists of a short description of each God, and then plenty of blank space for kids to draw and color.

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